Wednesday, September 14, 2011

School School School

So i've started my junior year of college! It's CRAZY. Time really does just fly by. I am going to be learning so many new things this semester that I am really excited for. I love baking and I am going to be able to expand this skill and get even better! I'm not saying i'm really good or anything but I love it.

I am also going to be able to learn how to sew. When we were little my mom sewed Halloween costumes for us, made us dresses, and really cool sleeping bags. I am ready to learn this new skill. It might take me a little while to really get it down but I'll be glad to have it under my belt.

On a different note, Trevor my sweet little eight year old brother very recently went through a traumatic experience. He was out riding horses with family and friends and ended up falling off when the horses decided not to cooperate. He was riding with one of his friends who is just a little younger than him. When they fell off his friend broke his two front teeth on Trevor's little head. They then rolled under the horse and we believe Trevor was kicked in the head. To make a long story short he ended up needing to be life flighted to Sacred Heart hospital in Spokane two hours from our home. My mom rode with him in the helicopter and the rest of my family (besides me because I'm stuck here in Rexburg) drove to the hospital. We found out that he had a concussion, along with a centimeter depression in his skull. There was a lot of prayer involved and the neurosurgeon told us that he was borderline needing surgery but he told us to decide. After a lot of praying we decided to go ahead with the surgery and it's a good thing we did. Trevor had bone from his skull that had scratched the lining of his brain and was pushing on it. The Lord definitely guided us in this decision. Trevor is doing much better now. After a week of being in the hospital on antibiotics he was able to come home. We have had many prayers answered because the damage could have been much worse. He's still the smart little boy that we all love. He goes back to have a check up in a month and he has to refrain from any physical activity besides walking for a couple of months. I love my little brother and we are really close. I'm so grateful for the power of prayer and priesthood blessings.

I love my family and am grateful for them. I am also grateful that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.