Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I love my missionary!

Elder Chase E. Nathaniel Palmer is his name.

 He was called to the Colorado Springs, CO mission. He's enjoying it but it's a lot of work. He has been out almost 4 months now. I love writing letters and I love receiving letters even more :) I save them all in a box and read them over and over. He keeps saying i'm going to like him even more when he gets home. He must be amazing because he was already great. I try not to keep thinking of how many months he's been out and how many more he has to go because I've heard it makes time go by slower, but it's so hard. It doesn't seem like it's been too long though. I go back to school at BYU-I the beginning of September and the school year always flys by. So after that he will be about half way done with his mission! I can't wait until he gets home but I know he's where he needs to be. I'm so proud of him. He's still his goofy self but I love it <3

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