Friday, December 24, 2010

It's Christmas Time Again

I just love the Christmas season. It is a time to especially think about our Savior Jesus Christ and how he sacrificed so much for us. He even gave his life for us and I am very grateful for that. This is going to be Chases first Christmas in the mission  field where he will be away from his family. He is remembering the true meaning of Christmas even more because he has immersed himself in the gospel being a servant of the Lord. Chase has already been on his mission for eight months. Time has gone by so fast and he only has a year and four months to go. Today is Christmas Eve and I am just reflecting back on everything that has happened this year and there has been a lot.
I am grateful for the time that I have to spend with my family while I am on my Christmas vacation from school. I hope that everyone has a great Christmas and remembers to give even small acts of service to someone you know who may need it.